Academic Resources

We have curated websites to help you further your child’s education outside of school.


A NHSW student pointing at a word on a whiteboard with grouped categories and a red marker

With unlimited questions, engaging item types, and real-world scenarios, IXL helps learners experience math. With its comprehensive curriculum, students will engage in a completely immersive learning experience.


A NHSW student pointing at a word on a whiteboard with grouped categories and a red marker

With unlimited questions, engaging item types, and real-world scenarios, IXL helps learners experience math. With its comprehensive curriculum, students will engage in a completely immersive learning experience.

Social Studies

A group of NHSW students in uniforms posing for a photo with a city skyline backdrop

The Social Studies Alive! programs teach students about the world around them and how cultures were created through interesting and engaging activities and lessons. These learning experiences motivate students, help make the lessons more memorable to students, and help them connect with the topic being taught.

Social Studies

A group of NHSW students in uniforms posing for a photo with a city skyline backdrop

The Social Studies Alive! programs teach students about the world around them and how our cultures were created through interesting and engaging activities and lessons. These learning experiences motivate students, help make the lessons more memorable to students, and help them connect with the topic being taught.

Math in Focus

NHSW students seated at desks in a classroom, focused on their workbooks

This helps students learn the language of math and helps them become problem solvers. Through hands-on learning, visualization, and pictorial representations, their understanding, confidence, and love of math grows. Math in Focus ensures teachers and students approach each math lesson with the enthusiasm and confidence that’s proven to yield success.

Singapore Math

NHSW students seated at desks in a classroom, focused on their workbooks

This helps students learn the language of math and helps them become problem solvers. Through hands-on learning, visualization, and pictorial representations, their understanding, confidence, and love of math grows. Math in Focus ensures teachers and students approach each math lesson with the enthusiasm and confidence that’s proven to yield success.

Accelerated Reader Book Finder

A group of children in NHSW uniforms posing in front of a dinosaur fossil exhibit

Accelerated Reader is a computer-based program that we use to monitor reading practice and progress. It helps teachers recommend books to students that are on their individual reading levels. search for books with corresponding AR quizzes by specifying your child’s reading level, interest level, subject, award-winners, and more.

Accelerated Reader Book Finder

A group of children in NHSW uniforms posing in front of a dinosaur fossil exhibit

Accelerated Reader is a computer-based program that we use to monitor reading practice and progress. It helps teachers recommend books to students that are on their individual reading levels. search for books with corresponding AR quizzes by specifying your child’s reading level, interest level, subject, award-winners, and more.

School Library Alexandria

A NHSW student sitting at a desk

With our very own online library software, students can search and find available books quickly and easily.

School Library Alexandria

A NHSW student sitting at a desk

With our very own online library software, students can search and find available books quickly and easily.