
Find important resources to help you financially support your child’s education.

Financial Aid

Guidelines for Financial Assistance Application 2025-2026

A new application must be
submitted directly to the school for review every school year

A copy of the last year’s federal income tax return must be included in the application (2020)

If parents are separated, divorced, or file taxes separately, the tax returns of all financially responsible parties must be submitted with the application

Submit a copy of the last two pay stubs for each parent (if applicable)

The deadline for submission is March 5, 2025. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.

Financial aid will be paid directly to the school providing the services. Parents are responsible for the remainder of the tuition and any additional fees required by the school


Approval for financial aid will depend on the following criteria:

  1.  Availability of funds
  2.  Income level
  3.  Number of members in the household

Please choose one of the following methods to submit your completed application:

  1. Email to
  2. Mail to: New Horizon School Westside
    Attention: Head of School
    1819 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
  3. Drop off at the School office in a sealed envelope
Two NHSW students sitting together at a table

Financial Assistance

Please visit the sites below for more information on various tuition assistance programs available to families.

1. Tuition Assistance

Connections for Children

2. Child Care Assistance
3. Low Income Families/Child Care

Mexican American Opportunity

An NHSW student climbing a rock wall outdoors



View a breakdown of our tuition fees for the upcoming academic year.


To help students keep track of their belongings, clearly label all clothing items,
including shoes, with the students full name using a permanent marker.

Full Uniform: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Three NHSW students in uniforms smiling and standing against a light-colored wall

For boys

  • Navy Blue Uniform Pants
  • Grey Polo Shirt
  • Navy Blue Cardigan with Embroidered Logo and name
  • School Tie
  • Black Belt
  • Navy Blue Socks
  • Black, Rubber Soled Shoes (no athletic shoes)
  • Plaid Jumper KG 2nd Grade

For girls

  • White Peter Pan Collar Shirt
  • Plaid Skirt 3rd – 5th Grade
  • School Tie
  • Navy Blue Cardigan with Embroidered Logo and name
  • Navy Blue Bike Shorts (cannot be visible)
  • White Tights
  • Black, Rubber Soled Shoes (no athletic shoes)
PE Uniform: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Two NHSW students in uniforms smiling and standing in front of a jungle-themed backdrop

For boys and girls

  • Navy blue PE shirt with school logo
  • Navy blue sweatpants with school logo. NO LEGGINGS.
  • White socks
  • Athletic shoes (Converse and Vans not allowed)
  • Navy blue zippered hoodie with logo (optional)
Free Dress

Students are permitted to have free dress for their birthday and on designated days. The following guidelines must be followed:

  • Dresses and skirts must be below the
    knee. Clothing must be loose fitting
  • Clothing must be free of inappropriate
    language or graphics
  • No tank top or sleeveless shirts
  • No sandals, slippers or open-toe shoes
  • No see-through clothing items
Prayer Clothes

Girls must wear white scarves and skirts for prayer every day. Girls who wear scarves during the day must wear a white scarf

  • Dresses and skirts must be below the
    knee. Clothing must be loose fitting
  • Clothing must be free of inappropriate
    language or graphics
  • No tank top or sleeveless shirts
  • No sandals, slippers or open-toe shoes
  • No see-through clothing items
Field Trip Uniform
  • Yellow polo shirt with school logo
  • Navy blue sweatpants or jeans
  • Athletic shoes (Converse and Vans not allowed)
  • Navy blue zippered hoodie with school
    logo (optional)
A group of NHSW students performing on stage during World Arabic Language Day

Meals and Snacks

  • Parents are expected to provide students with nutritious snacks and lunch daily
  • For your convenience, NHSW has contracted with various caterers to provide hot lunches
  • Parents may pre-order meals from the monthly hot lunch order form and pay for them at the beginning of every month. Payments may be made here.
  • The School offers a snack stand and students may purchase snacks or drinks throughout the day
  • NHSW is a nut free zone. No nut products are allowed on campus

Celebrating Birthdays

  • Parents must make arrangements with the child’s teacher at least one week in advance. Last-minute arrangements cannot be accommodated
  • Birthday celebrations will take place during the scheduled lunch time
  • Only pizza, cupcakes or 100% juice and water may be offered
  • Soda, goodie bags, candy, balloons and peanut products or by-products are not allowed
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to clean up after the event
  • Parents are kindly requested to refrain from taking video or photographic images of other students
  • The School is not responsible for distributing cards for off-premise birthday parties
Four NHSW graduates standing proudly together in their caps and gowns

Homework and Report cards

Homework is an independent activity which creates a bridge between school and home. Parents are responsible for providing a quiet, well-lit, comfortable place for students to complete their work. Homework improves a student’s thinking and memory and helps them develop positive study skills and habits that will serve him or her well throughout life. Homework also encourages students to use time wisely and teaches them to become self- reliant and work independently.


Elementary students receive a progress report and a report card every trimester. Students are evaluated for academic achievement, effort, and citizenship. Effort and Citizenship are determined independently from academic achievement. Student grades include classwork, quizzes, tests, projects, and class participation.

Grading Policy

Participation, quizzes, tests, and projects will be graded on a regular basis. Parents will be notified of major tests, and if necessary, a study guide will be sent home. Grades are based on the following categories:
Participation 10%, Homework 10%, Quizzes 20%, Tests 30%, Projects 30%

Be part of the NHSW community

Let us be part of your child’s education and become your pillar of support in shaping them for success.

NHSW students gathered around a teacher at an outdoor table